Take self-awareness to the next level with the DISC 360° assessment. Utilize anonymous feedback from colleagues, managers, and direct reports to understand how others perceive you and add to your personal growth toolbox.
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Are you fully aware of how your actions (and associated motives) are perceived by co-workers, colleagues, and direct reports? Complete a DISC 360° assessment with observer feedback. You might be surprised by the results! Many experienced leaders believe that the intentions of their communication and organizational practices are “obvious” to those around them, often overlooking costly misinterpretations of their actions. Our DISC 360° provides a complete picture with the help of anonymously submitted honest and candid feedback.
Enhance the traditional DISC self-assessment with anonymous observer data. Using the same questionnaire process, observers are asked to provide their perspective on your behaviors and communication style. This feedback assists the individual in uncovering the disconnects between intentions and experience.
As with all of our 360º assessments, the DISC 360º includes an unlimited number of observer assessments. Add the minimum three observers or 300; the cost is the same.
Our internationally awarded DISC assessment produces more than a dozen customizable individual and team reports. Whether your desire is an off-the-shelf report that has proven effective, or something customized to your individualized needs, we have the right report for you. Members can also select DISC focus areas like Self-awareness, Leadership, Sales, Customer Service, or Coaching.
The DISC 360º allows individuals to enhance the traditional DISC self-assessment by using the same questionnaire with observers providing their perspective of your behavior and emotions. You can compare and contrast what you think you are doing and what they experience to determine what may support or hinder your effectiveness.
The EIQ 360º reveals how one’s perceived emotional intelligence in four key areas compares to observer feedback. It highlights the ways we may think we recognize and manage emotions effectively, but fall short with others. With this insight, you will be able to examine if and how your EIQ matches what others perceive.
The Leadership Effectiveness 360° measures current leadership strengths and areas of improvement in eight of the top competencies that distinguish exceptional leaders. Additionally, these competencies are examined not just through their own eyes, but also through the eyes of their peers, managers, and direct reports.
The Leadership Effectiveness 360° report is designed to compare the results of individual and peer perceptions in 8 Key Leadership areas. By collecting observer data from a variety of relationships and roles, a unique opportunity is created to evaluate leadership skills. The Leadership Effectiveness 360° improves the ability to adapt with a better understanding of both self and others.
Ask! The Leadership Effectiveness 360° is intended to focus on perceptions in the 8 key leadership areas and to reveal potential areas for improvement. The information in the report can be used as a starting point for discussion to ask clarifying questions. The key to this conversation is that it must be safe for feedback to be shared. Come to the conversation with authentic curiosity and a desire to understand what others are experiencing.
The feedback presented in the report is anonymous. A minimum of three observer responses are needed to maintain anonymity, and the 360° report will not generate until three responses are received. An unlimited number of observers can be invited to participate, and the cost is the same whether you have three observer responses or 300. We recommend inviting as many observers as possible for the best overall snapshot.